Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sweet Delights

For too many months now we have been indulging ourselves with sweet treats, our favorite among them is Ben & Jerry's Karamel Sutra ice cream. As the name implies, it is a little bit of heaven, lots of ooey gooey caramel, chocolate, mmm ... delicious. After buying several pints we joked with each other about whether we were going to have Karma Sutra tonight. I'm sure Ben and Jerry had just this little scenario in mind when they named their ice cream ... what a great sense of humor they must have :D

One night while at the grocery store Ed called to see if there was anything I needed, our conversation went like this:

KAREN: We should get some more yogurt ..

ED: Got it! Anything else?

KAREN: Hmm (with a sexy voice) could we have some Karma Sutra?

ED: Huh?

KAREN: (in a much louder voice now) Lets have Karma Sutra!

ED: Wait a minute .. let me take you off speaker phone ...

KAREN: (silence) uhh ...

ED: (makes clicking noises on the phone) ..... just kidding!

KAREN: (can you blush over the phone?)

ED: (laughing so hard he can barely breathe)

He really got me on that one .. way too funny!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm not sure where I picked this article up from, so I can't credit the person who wrote it, but it so accurately expressed my feelings toward President Bush, that I wanted to reprint it on my blog.

More than any other president in American history, President Bush was the subject of media scorn and derision for most of his term. The mainstream press exposed his secret programs, gave voice to his most shrill critics, amplified questions about his motives, and even publicized forged documents to try and prevent his reelection. Here, Bush was willing to push back from time to time. But he never sustained any of those efforts long enough or loudly enough to overcome the sheer volume of false, misleading, and uncharitable material published against him. But he attended all their dinners, and made the appropriately self-deprecating jokes. Because, ultimately, it did not matter to him what they wrote about him. What mattered was his duty.

No one who was alive on September 11th, 2001, would have thought that the United States would not be attacked again in the next seven and a half years. That it has come to be is all to President Bush's credit, and it will be his enduring legacy. The terrorist surveillance program, aggressive interrogations, Guantanamo Bay, enemy combatants, the PATRIOT Act. All are decisions that Bush made in order to protect the country from further attacks, and all have been derided by civil liberties activists and Democrats as illegal invasions of privacy, shredding the Constitution, and the establishment of a police state. They have all have been unqualified successes. President Bush vowed that another September 11th would never happen on his watch, and he made sure of it.

A true dispassionate history of the Bush Administration will not be written for a generation. Time must pass to let emotion settle out of the mixture. When it is written, it will almost certainly judge George W. Bush to have been a fundamentally decent man who strived to do his duty and did not shirk the responsibilities of leadership, often at great political cost. He will be remembered as a president who prevented another terrorist attack against great odds, while freeing 50 million Muslims from oppression. And he will be remembered for having received no credit for any of it while he was in office. There will come a moment, much sooner than anyone now believes, when the country will collectively miss George W. Bush – when an old fashioned leader is required. On that day, Mr. President, you will finally have earned a measure of the respect that you were denied in your years in the White House. Thank you, sir, for a job well and faithfully done.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Seven Months Later ...

Ok, so I'm really bad at this blog thing, but the only way to get better at it is to just post right?

Hmm ... is anyone surprised at this result?

I'm a Esme! I found out through Which Twilight Female Are You? Take the quiz and find out!
Take the Quiz and Share Your Results!

You are thoughtful and care very deeply for your family.
A loving home is of great importance to you and you
always try to make people feel welcome. Although you
have a great capacity to love, you also have a great
capacity to hurt, so at times you can be sensitive. You're
firm when you need to be, but people trust your judgment
and appreciate the kind way you always handle things.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Where did March go?

Our month started out in Disney World, Florida, where we had sooo much fun. I will update you on that trip when I get the pictures loaded on the computer. Not sure where the rest of the month went .. it's tough getting back to real life after Disney.

As you can see I'm not so good at keeping this blog updated. So, to help me get into the habit, I have decided to take on the challenge of scrapbooking a little story every day for 30 days. I got the idea from cathy zielske's blog. Join me if you like.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Time Flies

We were the lucky owners of an electic dryer in our home. Not the tumble dryers of today, but more along the lines of a heated closet. Inside, the dryer had wooden rods going across it to hang the clothes on, and below the rods was a heater covered by a grate.

We almost never used it, as my mother preferred to hang clothes on the line outside. However, this long weekend I had gone to the snow with a church youth group, and in an effort to keep warm I had taken just about every sock I owned. When I arrived home with all of those socks, soaking wet, my mother decided the dryer was needed.

I went off to school the next day, and when I arrived home it was to a soot ridden, smokey shell of what used to be the place we lived in. The fire investigation team said that it had started in the dryer, most likely a sock had fallen on to the grate and caught fire.We pretty much lost everything, not because everything burned, but because of smoke and water damage.

All of our photos were kept in my parents room which sadly, connected with the back of the dryer. Most of them were destroyed, so what few remain are precious. I made the following little tag book for my sister, and it holds the few pictures that we have of us together as children.

(click on pictures to enlarge)